Certification Services
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Disadvantaged and Small Business

WMATA has three small business certification programs that encourage participation in their agency’s contracting opportunities: DBE, SBE, and SBLPP.
Small Business Enterprise
Government Executive Consulting Services (GECS) provides assistance for clients to be approved for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Small Business Enterprise (SBE), and Small Business Local Preference Program (SBLPP) Certifications.
WMATA has three small business certification programs that encourage participation in their agency’s contracting opportunities: DBE, SBE, and SBLPP.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
WMATA’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program offers two types of initial application processes: Home State Certification and Interstate Certification.
Home State Certification applies to firms located within WMATA’s transit zone in accordance with WMATA’s jurisdictional compact agreement. WMATA’s transit zone is defined as the District of Columbia, the suburban Maryland counties of Montgomery and Prince George’s, the Northern Virginia counties of Arlington, Fairfax, & Loudoun, and the cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, and Falls Church.
Interstate Certification applies to firms located outside of WMATA’s transit zone. When a firm is currently certified in its home state and applies for DBE certification with WMATA, the following streamlined procedures are applicable:
- Firm must be certified as a DBE in its home state and make sure that their information is displayed accurately on the home state’s DBE directory.
- Firm may seek DBE certification with WMATA by providing a written request on company letterhead along with a copy of their certification notice from its home state.
- WMATA will confirm that the firm has a current valid certification from its home state by reviewing the electronic directory of the firm’s home state or obtaining written confirmation from the home state certifying agency.
Small Business Enterprise
WMATA’s Small Business Enterprise (SBE) program fosters small business participation, promotes the agency’s intent to set aside selected federally funded contracts with a total value of less than $500,000.
Small Business Local Preference Program
WMATA’s Small Business Local Preference Program (SBLPP), as mandated by Metro’s Board of Directors to enhance contracting opportunities for small businesses in the District of Columbia, State of Maryland, and Commonwealth of Virginia. The program targets and gives preference to qualified small businesses in the procurement of goods and services when Metro awards contracts for non-federally funded purchases of $150,000 or less (simplified acquisition process)
GECS Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Small Business Enterprise (SBE), and Small Business Local Preference Program (SBLPP) Certification Registration service includes the following:
- Assessing whether your business meets WMATA’s DBE, SBE, or SBLPP criteria
- Registering your entity with WMATA’s Supplier Portal
- Uploading entity documents to WMATA’s Supplier Portal