Bid Proposal Writing & Training

Proposals can be complex
but we can help you navigate with ease
Whether you’re researching your first government contract proposal, or have been submitting them for years, one thing is true—they are complex, time-consuming, and difficult to prepare. If you’ve never submitted one before, just getting started can be difficult in itself. Given the costs of hiring an employee full time to write proposals for you, Government Executive Consulting Services (GECS) is making available professional bid training and proposal writing services.
Our government bid training and proposal writing services helps clients win contracts. Working with you, we develop targeted government bid proposals that highlights the benefits of working with your company, your ability to deliver your product(s) and/or service(s) on time and on budget, and stress that your company can best fulfill the contract requirements.
If you want more in-depth support and help writing a proposal, then consider our Proposal Writing Services. You get everything included with group training (daily phone calls and unlimited email support), plus a team of trained proposal writers will write and format your proposal for you. However, you will still be required to supply us with the information we need in order to complete your proposal. For example, you may need to tell us information about your fee structure or about technical aspects of your business. This information will depend on the specific solicitation for which we are writing the proposal.
Your proposal will address all specifications and requirements outlined in the solicitation, which may include:
- Cover letter
- Executive summary
- Strategies
- Product(s) and/or service(s) description
- Pricing information
- Why your company is uniquely positioned to provide the product(s) and/or service(s)
- Past performance
Not only does GECS write the proposal for you, but we teach you how to do it. Topics our proposal Director—typically covers for proposal writing clients include:
- What to include when you submit your bid (instructions to offeror)?
- How to submit the bid properly?
- What the government wants to buy (statement of work or performance work statement)?
- How the government chooses awardees?
- How is the award properly fulfilled?
- What the difference is between “firm fixed price and cost plus”?
- What additional insurance, workman’s comp, etc. must you provide in your proposal and/or if awarded the contract?
- How much should I charge the Government?
- Can I sub out a portion of or all of this contract? If so, what types of companies can I work with?
- What is PPIRS, CPARS, FAPIIS, etc.?
- How to request a debriefing?
- How to protest an award?