Certification Services
District of Columbia CBE

By becoming a CBE, you will receive preference in procurement opportunities offered by the District of Columbia. The CBE program helps position your business to better compete in DC government contracting opportunities.
Certified Business Enterprise
District Government
The Certified Business Enterprise (CBE) Program provides preference to District-based firms pursuing District Government issued procurement opportunities, and expands the availability of business opportunities with District-sponsored development projects.
We help businesses get certified to do business in the District.
Government Executive Consulting Services (GECS) provides assistance to clients to be approved for the District of Columbia Certified Business Enterprise (CBE), Local Business Enterprise (LBE), Small Business Enterprise (SBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Development Enterprise Zone (DZE), Resident-Owned Business (ROB), Longtime Resident Business (LRB), Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise (VOB), and Local Manufacturing Business Enterprise (LME) Program Certifications.
The CBE Program evolved from the Sheltered Market Program managed by the Minority Business Opportunity Commission (MBOC) and the Local, Small, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (LSDBE) program managed by the Office of Local Business Development (OLBD) and, eventually, the Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD).
The CBE program’s history within the District dates back to the mid-1970s. For over three decades, the program has evolved as one of the most progressive local inclusion programs in the United States, serving as a best practice model for other local and state jurisdictions.
CBE Certification Criteria
In order to be eligible for CBE certification, in addition to other requirements, your business must meet the following criteria:
- The principal office of the business enterprise must be located in the District of Columbia
- The Chief Executive Officer and the highest level managerial employees of the business enterprise must perform their managerial functions in their principal office located in the District
- The business must demonstrate it meets one of the following:
- More than 50% of the employees of the business enterprise are residents of the District; or
- The owners of more than 50% of the business enterprise are residents of the District; or
- More than 50% of the assets of the business enterprise, excluding bank accounts, are located in the District; or
- More than 50% of the business enterprise’s gross receipts are District gross receipts.
Different Categories of Certification
Certification as a Local Business Enterprise (LBE) is a prerequisite to be certified in any additional business enterprise category within the CBE Program. In the CBE Program, once a business meets all LBE requirements, the business can request the Small Business Enterprise (SBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Resident-owned Business Enterprise (ROB), business enterprise located within a Development Enterprise Zone (DZE), Longtime Resident Business Enterprise (LRB), Veteran-owned Business Enterprise (VOB) or the Local Manufacturing Business Enterprise (LME) designation(s) for consideration to receive additional preference points or percentages.
GECS Certified Business Enterprise (CBE) Program Certification registration service includes the following:
- Assessing whether your business meets CBE criteria
- Assessing whether your business meets other sub certifications that fall under the CBE such as; LBE, SBE, DBE, DZE, ROB, LRB, VOB, and LME.
- Completing online application
- Uploading entity documents to CBE online portal for approval