For Immediate Release: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
The Montgomery County minimum wage rate will increase on July 1 to keep pace with local inflation as required by County law. Starting July 1, the minimum wage rate for large employers (with 51 or more employees) will increase to $17.15 per hour, while the minimum wage rate for mid-sized employers (with 11-50 employees) will increase to $15.50 per hour. Due to a change in State law, the rate for small employers (10 or fewer employees) was increased to $15 per hour on Jan.1, 2024. This $15 wage rate for small businesses will remain in effect for the next twelve months.
The new rates for large and mid-sized businesses are based on the change in the consumer price index for all urban wage earners and clerical workers in the Washington, D.C.-Arlington-Alexandria area for the previous year, which was 2.8 percent. The County wage law, sponsored by then County Councilmember (and now County Executive) Marc Elrich, increased the minimum wage to $15 in phases for different-sized businesses and then indexed it to inflation after it reached $15.
“I sponsored this legislation in 2017 because I firmly believe that increasing the minimum wage for low-wage workers is one of the most important actions we can take as a government,” said County Executive Elrich.
Click here for full news release from Montgomery County Government