For Immediate Release: Tuesday, January 16, 2024
County Executive Elrich Releases Recommended FY25-30 Capital Improvement Program and Recommended FY 25 Capital Budget
Total six-year investment of $5.8 billion, a modest 2.3 percent increase over the previously approved CIP.
“We are hamstrung by constrained resources due to an antiquated tax structure,” notes County Executive Marc Elrich
Today, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich transmitted his $5.84 billion FY25-30 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Recommended FY25 Capital Budget.
The County Executive’s funding recommendations will address major capital needs of Montgomery County over the next six years.
This is County Executive Elrich’s third full CIP and is $133 million more than the prior approved FY23-28 CIP budget, a 2.3 percent increase. To see the complete recommended FY25-30 Capital Improvements Program and FY25 Capital Budget, click this link:
“In developing this recommended budget, the impact of cost increases, prior structural underbudgeting in the MCPS budget, and Recordation Tax shortfalls presented significant challenges,” said County Executive Elrich. “Additional resources to support capital investments to move our County forward are essential. While Northern Virginia races ahead of us by implementing transportation improvements using resources levied to address congestion relief, we are hamstrung by constrained resources due to an antiquated tax structure. To move Montgomery County forward, we must identify new revenues and new approaches as Northern Virginia did to plan for regional growth, provide transportation choices, and increase accessibility. This will improve our economy, strengthen our tax base, and allow us to grow toward our future.”
By law, the CIP is required to be transmitted to the County Council every other year on Jan. 15, or the next business day on years where the 15th is on a weekend or holiday. Only amendments to the CIP are presented in alternate years.
CIP Recommendations Highlights:
- Total six-year investment of $5.8 billion, a modest 2.3 percent increase over the previously approved CIP.
- This capital budget assumes the County Council approved Spending Affordability Guidelines (SAG) for General Obligation bonds ($1.68 billion over six years) and recognizes revenue constraints due to recent contractions in the housing market.
- Due to fiscal constraints, the recommended CIP is unable to fund some worthy projects proposed by Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Montgomery College, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, and Montgomery County departments on the requested schedule.
- Post COVID-19, construction costs have shown marked increases, and major equipment has been delayed. Pricing of construction items such as plywood and metal framing increased over 100 percent between 2020 and 2022.
- MCPS requested a $515.9 million increase in funding in the first four years of the CIP when there is less flexibility in the planned program.
- Intergovernmental aid decreased by $91.1 million over the six-year period due largely to the completion of work funded by the State and Federal governments in prior years.
“I am pleased to recommend maintaining record funding in this CIP for MCPS despite funding source shortfalls,” said County Executive Elrich. “The Board of Education continues to request large amounts in the first years of the CIP, while underfunding the outyears. There is simply not funding available to support the requested MCPS CIP schedule. To ensure we can meet the facility needs of as many students and communities as possible within our finite resources, I encourage MCPS to explore opportunities to address capacity issues without costly construction projects potentially through boundary studies and program changes.”
- $1.9 billion for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) capital projects over the six-year period.
- Maintains record amount of funding for schools.
- Adds $169.1 million in the first four years of the CIP so that projects with cost increases can stay on schedule, progress can be made on the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future goals, and infrastructure can be maintained.
- MCPS represents the largest category of the CIP with 32.7 percent of all spending.
- MCPS projects claim 43.2 percent of all local bond, recordation and impact tax funding.
- Implementation of High School Wellness Centers and Expanded Wellness Services programs.
- Recommended budget plans for full physical and mental health centers at Damascus, Paint Branch, Northwood, Woodward, and Springbrook High Schools.
- New model centers will be added at Crown, Blake, and Magruder High Schools.
- $381.7 million for Montgomery College projects, a 12.2 percent increase over previous CIP.
- Largest ever CIP for Montgomery College.
- Includes $60.5 million needed to design and construct improvements to establish a fourth campus in the East County.
Transportation and Infrastructure
“In developing my Recommended CIP, I prioritized transportation projects that are cost effective, maximize mobility, and position the County to reap the benefits of emerging economic development opportunities,” said Elrich. “We must invest in our transportation network to strengthen the County’s future position in the region. Transportation infrastructure that connects jobs to housing and facilitates easy commutes, especially via transit, within and around our County is essential to bolster our economy, create jobs and remain competitive with neighboring jurisdictions.”
- More than $580 million in funding for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) along Maryland Routes 355 and 586 (Veirs Mill Road).
- Unprecedented expansion of the County’s Bus Rapid Transit system.
- State and Federal aid opportunities to support final design, land acquisition, and construction.
- $1.7 billion to support critical transportation infrastructure.
- Other non-BRT examples include:
- Adds funds for resurfacing and rehabilitation of County roads and sidewalk repair.
- Leverages Federal aid for bridge replacement and rehabilitation including several new projects:
- Brookville Road Bridge,
- Redland Road Bridge, and
- Schaeffer Road Bridge.
- Pedestrian Facilities and Bikeways:
- Fenton Street Cycletrack,
- Good Hope Shared Use Path,
- MD 355 Clarksburg Shared Use Path, and
- Dale Drive Shared Use Path and Safety Improvements.
- Awarded Federal funding to construct bicycle parking facilities at the Silver Spring Transit Center and Bethesda Metro Station.
Affordable Housing
“My Recommended CIP makes major investments in affordable housing, a critical priority for this County and my administration,” said County Executive Elrich. “This budget provides $194.7 million in additional funding to support affordable housing, including $50 million in surplus revenue to provide financing assistance for new affordable housing projects in the County, an investment that will help leverage additional private resources to support affordable housing development Countywide. It is my intent to double this investment, adding another $50 million in March when my recommended operating budget is released.”
- $194.7 million for affordable housing.
- County adds $50 million to finance new affordable housing projects for the first time in a proposed CIP.
- Intent to add another $50 million in March.
- Increases the new Nonprofit Housing Preservation Fund by $30 million, or 150 percent.
- Launches new “Troubled and Distressed Common Ownership Communities” program.